I've had a really challenging past six months. They say 'it happens in 3s' and it certainly did in my case. First my Poppy passed away, then Patches and then Chad got diagnosed with Cancer. My last post on this blog said good riddance to 2014. Little did I know that four days later I would face the challenge of a lifetime.
When I reflect back on this past three months, it feels like a lifetime. I have experienced every emotion you can think of to the 10th degree. There's been some highs and there's been some very, very low moments. I've began to step back into faith, I've asked for help in ways which I never thought I would and I've watched the man I love deal with a boat load of very serious obstacles. Through it all, I never lost sight of the goal and I've always felt everything will be okay. I still do. We have a long way to go and I've no doubt obstacles in front of us, but I am part of a pretty solid team - so I think we can make it.
I've been given a lot of blessings over these past few months, as had Chad. People we never even knew stepped up in the biggest of ways to help lessen the burden of every day life, to offer love, support and prayers. Our family and friends held our hearts in their hands as we walked through this. I'll never truly feel I have said thank-you enough, or in the right ways. I am still often without words.
With that said, there's another side of this that I have been holding in. Because honestly? It's not important. But it still hurts and I know it hurts Chad. There are people in our lives, both here in Kentucky and elsewhere that we thought would be in our corner. There were hundreds who showed they cared that we never would have expected, but there were some - we actually DID expect to care. To reach out, even if it was a phone call or a supportive shoulder. And they didn't. I sent messages to specific people, hand selected - just to let them know what was going on and they weren't so much as acknowledged.. There are people from my life that I considered to be very, very dear and I've not heard a single word from them during this entire time.
Chad is the same. He'd never say it out loud but there are people important in his life who haven't come to see him, who haven't even checked in while he was in the hospital or since he's been home. But yet "strangers" and I use that word in the physical sense only, that we've never met - check in constantly.
It's for those people I am thankful. It's for the friends who simply take the time to say "How's Chad". For the people who take the time to read the blog, continue to pray...
To those people who basically ignored us during our time of need. I am sorry for you. You missed out on a chance to help people who love you. And one thing I've learned over these past few months - that is one of the greatest feelings in the entire world and it really does make a difference in their lives.
To those people who have checked in, who have followed along and who have showed you care... From the VERY bottom of hearts, from MY heart especially since this is my blog - I may never know how to properly thank you. I may never find the right words to express my gratitude, But thank you for being you. Thank you for even sending ONE message because that's all it took to show me you cared.
Today we are heading to Church to pay homage to someone who really guided us through this. Then back to spend time with our latest family member but I'll introduce him later when I know it is a sure deal.