Thursday, June 16, 2016

My Tongue Fell Off

There's so much drivel being sprouted on Facebook these days, it's enough to make my head spin. We live in an era where everyone is an expert, and not only has an opinion, but feels it their God given right to share it with everyone. (Much like I am doing right now? The irony isn't lost)

I am fine with opinions. I just don't understand why some people insist on forcing theirs down the throats of innocent Facebook scrollers over every. single. thing. the media decides to focus on. 

Because, by all means - they're not discussing topics close to their heart or that they've spent years fighting and supporting. They're simply voicing their thick-witted two cents on whatever narrative happens to be on the 5 O'Clock news. They're pointing fingers on who is right or wrong and what should be done about it but you know damn well they wouldn't lift one single finger to help make that change possible. Hell no, their fingers are too busy typing Facebook novels every day.

Everyone knows who the best president would be for the USA (especially those that don't live here), everyone is an expert in parenting, gun safety and control, terrorist and wall building. I can't even type this stuff, it hurts my head - so I'm not going to waste another minute on it. 

What I will talk about is something more close to my heart. Something I have to remind myself of daily. Life is good and life is precious but it isn't always easy. In fact, it rarely is. I've often told people "if it was easy, it wouldn't be worth it" but sometimes that sounds like such bullshit rhetoric that even I can't handle the verbosity that comes out of my mouth. Why can't it be a little easier?

It can be. 

But you have to do your part. 

If you are married - love your spouse fully. Even when you don't like them. Take every single opportunity to try and make their life a little better, a little happier, a little more worth while. Kiss them, hold them, rub their back - be their best friend.

If you are a child - love your parents fully. Help make their life easier by doing what you're told, when you're told, and how you're told. If you say you're going to do something - do it. You counted on them your whole life - sometimes, they count on you. Don't let them down.

If you're a parent - love your children fully. They're going to make mistakes, they're going to make you mad and one thing I'm trying to learn, is it is not always our job to teach them lessons. Sometimes, it is our job to forgive. To love them anyways. 

If you're a friend - love your friends fully. Appreciate them, include them, check in on them. Don't always talk about yourself. Sometimes, a friend is all a person needs. Someone to listen, to laugh and most of all - to care. Be a friend.

If you're a human being - love your fellow humans fully. You don't have to agree with every choice they make.  You don't have to eat the same foods or worship the same Gods. But the more love, compassion and empathy you show for your fellow human beings, the easier life is for everyone. Be humble. Be kind.

So when you're done having an opinion on how to make life better or easier, maybe you can find time to reach out to someone - anyone - and actually do something that makes a positive change in this world. The power is in your hands.