Wednesday, May 17, 2017

This Crazy Life

So much. So many things. Spinning.

I've wanted to blog for awhile. It's the only way I can collect my thoughts from over-powering me and making me go absolutely insane. I've just had too many thoughts with a complete inability to make sense of anything.

Today. I feel alright. I still have worries on my mind but I've put the demons in the corner so I can breath and focus on what needs to be done.

Life is always teaching us lessons. It's up to us if we pay attention and learn from them. I'll never understand the people who constantly complain about the same things over and over and over again - yet do absolutely nothing different to render different results. Well if it failed the first 20 tries, maybe do something different next time? Just a thought.

Balance. Is so important.  Take Facebook for example. A healthy life and mind needs balance. If you find yourself obsessing over the same things/people all the time, then your mind/heart/life actually isn't healthy. Life, just like your FB posts - should have some sort of variety. You don't need to post every single time you go to the grocery store. We get it. You buy groceries. Who cares?

Honesty. Remember, people know you in real life. Honesty goes a long way. Do you always feel your friends are letting you down or avoiding you? Maybe there's a reason.

With that said; if you're someone's friend, or relative and you keep breaking your promise. Stop it. If you say you're going to do something - do it. If something comes up,  a little communication goes a long way.

Also, don't take people for granted. You may not even understand all the things they do for you or times they've been there for you. If you don't show gratitude or thankfulness once and awhile, then slowly.. day by day - they'll stop caring. Stop trying. Then you'll begin to notice exactly how big of an impact they've had on your life. Until one day they're gone completely and you'll be left spinning in circles. Value and cherish those loved ones who are close to you.

Life gives us blessings every single day. Every time you're able to open your eyes and get out of bed in the morning - THAT is a blessing. No, not everyday will be wonderful. Sometimes you'll hate your life, yourself and everyone around you. I do have those days more times than I care to remember. But it's up to me/you to find perspective among the chaos.  To embrace the day and make it the best you can. Sometimes that is easier said than done but ... it's always possible.
