Monday, September 22, 2014

Ranking Friends

There are people on my Facebook who seem to like to rank their friends. Yes, most people on this planet have a best friend or two but why rank people? Do you realize when you single out one or two people for being amazing, you make the rest of us assholes who listen to your endless list of bullshit feel like complete idiots? While you're busy moaning about how un-awesome your life is, we listen, we encourage, we sometimes tell you the truth (you're an asshat) but they're the awesome ones? Why? Because they shine so much sun up your ass and make you feel like you're Queen Sheeba when in truth you're a fucking annoying, over-dramatic attention-whore?


Guess I'm not awesome anymore. That's okay, I didn't like you much when we were in High School either, what makes you think I like you now?

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Parenting - Being Unbiased

I still consider myself relatively new to the whole parenting thing, even though I've been doing it for four years.  I, obviously, have a life-time of learning ahead of me but as a step-parent, I have a unique perspective.

There is no doubt in my mind that I love all of my step-kids and have a special connection with the two that I have had a hand in raising these past few years. With that considered, I still did not contribute to their birth and I don't have the 'blinders' on that it seems some parents have.

Why is it that some folks who contribute to, or give birth to a child  - suddenly develop the inability to see their offspring for who/what they really are? I am not saying this is a bad thing, I think your parent should be your biggest fan! However, as an outsider looking in, I sometimes have the ability to see past the charade into the 'truth' of the matter which is often hidden by the 'blinders'.

Now before you get your panties in a bunch, I am not trying to say any of my step children are monsters by any stretch of the imagination. Facebook is the fueling source for many of my rants and this one is not any different. I see friends posting about how outraged they are to how their child is being treated. I see the children themselves acting like ass hats and the parents offering their "Rah ha ha's" from the sidelines. And it makes me wonder. Do they not see it? Do they genuinely not comprehend that their child is making a damn fool of themselves?

So then I look inwardly at my own life. My husband is a pretty tough guy on the exterior. To be frank, he could've written the damn book on 'tough love'. When it comes to his youngest daughter, it's almost as though she can do no right. But when it comes to his youngest - the boy - the only boy. The sun shines squarely out of his ass. I won't lie, it's frustrating. Because I am not wearing blinders and I am genuinely trying to be fair and consistent with both children. I get there is a lot of history but we can't parent today based upon actions in the past. We have to take each behavioral issue at face value and react appropriately.

There's been an incident recently regarding my stepsons behavior on the bus and how the driver is handling it. Initially, all hell was risen because there was no way the boy deserved it, he's an innocent little angel. Yeah. Right. No. He's not. Sorry.

But he IS a five year old boy and really quite well behaved considering some of his counter parts, so I conceded that something was amiss. After looking into it a bit more, it seems that every day brings about more information in favor of the Bus Driver being a total dip shit. I am fairly confident that my stepson deserved getting in trouble a time or two but at this point, it seems as if 'said bus driver' - needs a swift kick in the ass. Or am I being bias? Do I have blinders on too? How do you ever really know? You want to believe in your kids but how do you ever find the 'real' truth?

All I know is right now, when I consider my own life. I want to spit in the bus drivers face for acting like a total baboon-assed bastard and making my step son cry. I don't care who you are or what blinders you're wearing, that shit ain't right.