Monday, September 22, 2014

Ranking Friends

There are people on my Facebook who seem to like to rank their friends. Yes, most people on this planet have a best friend or two but why rank people? Do you realize when you single out one or two people for being amazing, you make the rest of us assholes who listen to your endless list of bullshit feel like complete idiots? While you're busy moaning about how un-awesome your life is, we listen, we encourage, we sometimes tell you the truth (you're an asshat) but they're the awesome ones? Why? Because they shine so much sun up your ass and make you feel like you're Queen Sheeba when in truth you're a fucking annoying, over-dramatic attention-whore?


Guess I'm not awesome anymore. That's okay, I didn't like you much when we were in High School either, what makes you think I like you now?

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