Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Quitters Never Win - I Lose

I give up. I absolutely give up. I have exhausted every avenue, every effort - I am out of ideas.

 I am drained, out of energy and out of will power. My patience has been non-existent for the longest time and regardless of how many warnings I gave, they just didn't listen. Didn't stop. Didn't consider. Just keep taking, taking and taking until there is nothing left but an empty shell.

I don't care anymore. 

I need to focus on me, my life, my marriage and my happiness. I have to turn the tide if I want to be happy and I have no idea anymore how to do that, other than to let go and stop caring. A person only has so much energy and when one subject continues to pilfer every single ounce, there comes a time when enough is enough.

So I will change. They won't? But I will. I won't care. I won't be there. I won't support. I can't because it goes nowhere. I can only have the same conversation so many times before I realize it's never. going. to. matter.

I don't matter. That's clear. And it's a shame. Because I fucking tried. Really hard.

1 comment:

  1. Heard that!! It is true though.. Sometimes you need to let people sink or swim but not take you down with them
