I'm an over-sharer. I am not shy, I don't put on airs and I have no problem letting people into my life,
provided I think I can trust them enough not to screw it up. I'll share with complete strangers too if I think anything I've experienced may be beneficial.
And that's why I am here today.
For weeks I have been trying to put words on paper to explain some of the changes I've made in my life recently, but I could never quite find the 'right time' or the 'right words'. When I consider that and look at the last decade of my life - that statement pretty much sums up my entire existence.
For the past year or so, I had been struggling to find happiness - a reason to keep going. I mean really struggling. I'm not suggesting I was suicidal but I won't pretend that I felt I had a lot of reasons to live. I was so consumed with being depressed that sincere, legit smiles were few and far between. But the tears? They flowed freely.
I am a super plus sized woman. I was tired
ALL the time. My back pain was out of this world. To the point I couldn't barely stand for ten minutes without it hurting. I had no energy, no motivation and I couldn't look in the mirror without wanting to spit on the person staring back at me. Pretty harsh way to view yourself right?
I've spent the last decade of my life dedicating every second to everyone and anyone else. Whether it be the job, the husband, the step kids - it didn't matter - as long as it wasn't me. I lost myself. I felt guilty spending any money on ME, definitely didn't spend any time pampering myself or doing the things I enjoy. Sure, I still went to the gym but I went through the motions, more to say I was there than for any actual benefit.
The thing I needed the most was energy. I felt like if I could find some magic pill to boost my energy, I could do the rest. Amazon.com became my BFF. I tried numerous things, all resulting in nothing but wasted time and money. I tried Plexus for awhile but that didn't really do much for me either.
I continued to browse, read and research but I kept coming up empty handed. My friends on Social Media all seemed to sell something and I usually passed it by, thinking it's just another one of those false promise products. Then something caught my eye.
Isagenix. Two girls I went to school with were involved in it. One I kind of knew (Nicola), the other I knew from sports (Michelle). I always admired Michelle growing up. She was only a year older than me but was gorgeous, super athletic and just seemed to be the nicest and friendliest person ever. She and Nicola both seemed to be such genuine and honest people, I didn't think they would promote a product with such passion unless they truly believed in it.
I made a post one day on Facebook about my extreme lack of energy and Nicola reached out to me. We shared a few messages and I ignored the information for awhile. Eventually - I decided to try it. Nicola has become such a wonderful beacon of support for my journey, I don't know if she'll ever understand the impact she's had on my life. Believing in the product enough to not only reach out, but check in and sincerely care about the progress. Amazing.
Now, I'm not going to lie. This blog post is not an advertisement for Isagenix. So you'll get it straight. I was hesitant to begin because the price was steep. I was also truly looking for something that was sustainable and if I'm being honest. Living on two shakes, one meal and some snacks wasn't sustainable to me. Nicola worked with me and we came up with a modified plan which worked both financially and nutritionally.
So I went for it. Ordered it. It arrived. I half-assed tried but didn't feel any immediate change and the taste of one of the products turned me off hardcore - so the stuff just sat there collecting dust.
Not long after that something happened in my personal life that broke me. To the core. But it also woke me up. I stood back and looked in that mirror trying to find myself. Wondering where I went and how I got so lost?
Then something special happened. I looked in the mirror again and decided I was
worth fighting for. I wasn't ready to give up. I wanted to live and more importantly I wanted to live and be happy.
Happiness seemed to be so elusive for so many years but for the first time in just about forever, I decided I was
worth it and I
would make it happen.
Because I deserved it. I deserved to be happy.
So at the end of May I started Isagenix again. Decided to kick up my work out and I downloaded the My Fitness Pal app. As Nicola said to me, Isagenix isn't a magic pill. It's science.
After 78 days I have lost 50 pounds. This is just the beginning. I have a long road ahead of me, but this isn't a sprint. It's a marathon, or more affectionately; "This is my Life-A-Thon". At my size, 50 lbs is barely noticeable physically but man - I feel like a million bucks.
Working out has become a natural drug to me. I feel so freakin' amazing when I leave the gym now, I just want to run! I haven't ran in years! I have done Zumba for awhile now. I used to have to sit down every ten minutes. Now, I only sit if I want to - not because my back hurts. My back barely bothers me at all, I have energy, motivation and a desire to keep going.
Yes, the numbers dropping on the scale is motivating but it doesn't even come close to touching how motivating it is to look in that mirror and be proud of the person I see starting back at me. I am working hard, I am committed and it is working. I feel better than ever and I've only been doing this for two and a half months! I can't imagine how great I'll feel in six months, a year, five years!
The secret to my success contains three things.
Fitness: I work out six times a week. I sweat and I push myself hard. The gym has become a priority to me because
*I* have become a priority. My husband supports this fully and no one grumbles anymore if I tell them "Sorry can't, got to work out" And... Now I have the energy to do it!
My Fitness Pal: The reason this app works for me is two-fold. It holds me accountable and also educates me. I never really ate bad but this app has forced me to see the reality of some of the food I consumed and has helped me make better choices consistently. Some people smudge and lie about their numbers but really, why? You still ate it. Be honest. This app can he as helpful as you allow it to be. I didn't want to go the meal prep route, that's not sustainable for me. I wanted a way to choose what to eat that was flexible. Yes, it requires some sacrifices but the rewards so far out weigh those it doesn't even bother me anymore. Ice cream is my weakness. But rather than that, I indulge in frozen yogurt :)I am determined to still enjoy life and not become a prisoner to food or nutrition!
Isagenix: I've learned, it's not just about what you DON'T put in your body, it's about what you DO put in it. I
strongly believe that something about this product really works. It is giving my body what it needs to work how it should. I start every morning with a scoop of Ionix Supreme and have a shake a day! I plan to try some cleansing products eventually. I am sure the more I do the better my results will be, so I am excited for the future. I am taking baby steps and thus far, it's working so I'm sticking with it! I may have been even more successful if I did the full plan but like I said, this is a lifetime journey for me. I don't need it to be an overnight success. I just need it to be something I can commit to doing and this? #IGotThis :)
In conclusion; I have no idea what part of my journey is making the biggest difference. But it's working and I'm sticking with it until it stops! I'll make changes when the need arises. Right now though, I feel great - I feel motivated - life is better than it's been in a long time. I'm doing things for ME again because I enjoy them. My health is improving, the inches are falling off and the best part about it all? This is just the beginning :)
The biggest difference between previous attempts and this one? I am doing it for the right reasons. I am doing it for me. I believe I am worth it and I'm fighting to take my life back.