Friday, January 13, 2017


Relationships are a challenge. And by 'relationships', I mean any interaction with someone who is important in your life. It may be a spouse, a parent, a child, a sibling, a friend or a co-worker. They require effort and communication.

Certainly some relationships require less of each and it's up to the individuals to determine how much they're willing and able to put forth - but there's something important to remember; it takes two.

Both parties have to be on the same wave length when it comes to the amount of effort put in. When one person is the only one keeping in touch, helping, supporting, encouraging - eventually they're going to get tired of this one-way 'relationship' and walk away. You will lose them. They'll stop caring as much, they'll check in less - and eventually, they'll disappear from your life.

If there are people that have been there for you, supported you, encouraged you, helped you, cared for you - be grateful. Then when you're done being grateful, ask yourself, "Have I told them lately? Do they know? Have I checked in with them? Am I carrying my own in this relationship?"

If you answer 'No' to any of those, you need to get yourself in check. We're all busy. We all have days that bleed together into an endless pile of distractions but at some point in time you need to take accountability and be a good person. Because that's what good people do. They care. They put others first. They don't worry about satisfying themselves or poluting the world with facades. They're genuine. They're determined and they have no problem making time for those relationships which helped mold them into the person they are today.

If you have a husband, a wife, a child, a parent ... anyone who means something to you. Stop taking them for granted. Stop just assuming they're going to be there. Stop wasting even one more second or throwing away even one more opportunity to show them you love them. If you wait until tomorrow, it may be too late.

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