Thursday, July 28, 2016


For anyone who stumbled across my post this morning - I am better. I felt compelled to write because that was uber depressing and I've had a bit of a turn-around.

I was feeling very, very low. And I am sure I will again sometime soon (lol) but today was a good day. Nothing super special happened but my perspective was adjusted a little.

My beautiful step-mother Nancy, read this blog, and reached out to me this morning before she went into work. It meant a lot and I guess I really needed someone to lean on and let me know I'm not alone. And I don't mean alone in the sense that I have no one there for me, etc., I mean more like: Sometimes I feel like I am going through things where there's no possible happy resolution. That I have the worst marriage or the biggest struggle with this or that. So it was re-assuring (albeit depressing lol) to know that a loving couple who has been married for 16 years has the same kind of ups and downs that I do. If they got through it, so can I right? And like my Dad said tonight when he called "It's not a sprint (to reach results), it's a marathon". So I just need to remain focused and keep my eye on the ball.

Nancy also reminded me that it's okay to want things, to want a support system and to not always have to be the the strong one. Sometimes I feel guilty for shouting "WHAT ABOUT ME?" because it's in my nature (as it is for most women) to want to fix things and put everyone else first. But sometimes, I need to be first. And that's okay. And if no one wants to make me first, then I will make me first.

That phone conversation turned my mood around significantly. I ended up having a very productive work day and a fantastic work out. A friend from the gym gave me some of her Energy supplement and (excuse the language) HOLY SHIT did it ever work. I have been scouring the planet for about two years for something to give me a little jump because my energy can be so low sometimes. I had already ordered some a couple days ago when she and I were talking to this guy about it - and now I can't wait for it to arrive! I can't remember the last time I did that well in Zumba and sweat that much! I got tired towards the end and my back and knees still bothered me but I definitely had more to give.

Oh and this is the lowest weigh-in I've had, so that didn't hurt. :)

Anyways - like I said. I'm better.

Thank-You <3

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