Sunday, April 19, 2015

People Aren't Stupid

Well not all of them. There are some people who seem to make it their goal in life to convince you that they do not have a single functioning brain cell - so who are we to argue?

We all hear stories from time to time that leave us with one eyebrow raised and a trickle of doubt running through our minds. Oh who am I kidding? Sometimes it is like an effin Niagara Falls of doubt. But that's their life and their karma. When you lie and mislead people, you and you alone and left to suffer the retributions, so just be sure its worth it.

I don't know if there are humans on this planet who think they're above telling the truth or think they're more intelligent than they are - that there is just no way possible, their lie will be discovered. Please people, it all comes out in the end. Since my job involves interacting with people on the internet, from all over the world, I probably end up with more of these stories than the average bear. For some reason when people get behind the computer, they become what I call "Keyboard Warriors" - where they wouldn't necessarily behave in the same fashion as they would 'in real life'. They think they can get away with slandering someone else just because they don't have to directly face the repercussions. But the thing is - they do. You do.  Karma works in mysterious ways and it isn't usually immediate. So be weary and be careful and most of all - be honest and genuine.

Oh - and lying doesn't necessarily mean out and out telling someone a story that isn't true. It can also include NOT telling someone something that is important or hiding it - thinking they don't already know the difference. 'Forgetting' to include that your ex-boyfriend called and you spoke to him for an hour doesn't mean the conversation didn't happen. Deleting a text message doesn't mean the message wasn't sent. Stop trying to be so smart, it just makes you look stupid. I have always and will always say - if you have to hide something - you shouldn't be doing it.

Be an honest person. Every day. All Day. Not just when it's convenient. I am not saying you need to tell everyone, everything that is on your mind. Just don't deceive. Don't try to blindside someone - whether it be a close personal relationship - or someone on the other side of the computer screen. At the end of the day, it is a reflection of your character - not theirs.

1 comment:

  1. See, this is exactly why I'm always upfront with everyone. Sometimes to the point of putting them to sleep. Sure, I like to flirt....but, there is never any mistaking my intentions. The person you see, hear, read from, or type to is me. The real me, and the only me. If someone chooses to dislike me for being be it. At the end of the day, my conscience and I sleep very well.
    By the way, Shannon....I Love Your Brain! <3
